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Buku / Artikel

Sari, Ria Pravita, Yanuwiadi, Bagyo

Efek Refugia pada Populasi Herbivora di Sawah Padi Merah Organik Desa Sengguruh, Kepanjen, Malang

Tipe Buku / Artikel
Penerbit University of Brawijaya
Tahun Terbit 2014
Hak Cipta Copyright (c) 2014 University of Brawijaya
Tepat Terbit
Tanggal Terima 1970-01-01 07:01:00
ABSTRAK Hama tanaman mengakibatkan hasil produksi padi di Indonesia menurun. Untuk itu diperlukan suatu upaya pengendalian hama tanpa merusak kestabilan lingkungan yaitu dengan memanfaatkan blok refugia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui kelimpahan, diversitas, famili yang mendominasi pada lahan sawah dan blok refugia di setiap fase pertumbuhan padi serta untuk mengetahui efek blok refugia  terhadap hebivora di sawah Kepanjen. Metode koleksi data tentang kunjungan herbivora yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah visual control. Pada pelaksanaannya, pengamatan herbivora dilakukan pada 5 plot yang dibuat di sawah  dan 1 plot blok refugia di pematang sawah tersebut. Jarak pengamat dari plot sawah maupun blok refugia adalah 2 meter dan pengamatan tentang kunjungan herbivora dilakukan selama 15 menit untuk setiap plotnya. Pengamatan dilakukan 3 periode (pukul 08.00-10.00, 12.00-14.00, dan 15.00-17.00) untuk setiap fase pertumbuhan padi dan masing-masing diulang 2 kali. Pengukuran faktor abiotik meliputi suhu, kelembaban udara dan intensitas cahaya. Nilai penting dan indeks diversitas (Shannon-Wienner) dihitung untuk mengetahui analisis struktur komunitas herbivora. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kelimpahan herbivora keseluruhan berjumlah 521 individu yang terdiri dari 5 ordo dengan 13 famili. Famili yang memiliki kelimpahan tertinggi di sawah maupun blok refugia yaitu Acrididae. Diversitas herbivora di sawah maupun blok refugia tergolong rendah hingga sedang. Diversitas herbivora tertinggi di sawah yaitu pada pukul 12.00-14.00 WIB sedangkan di blok refugia diversitas tertinggi terjadi pada pukul 08.00-10.00 WIB. Famili yang mendominasi di sawah maupun blok refugia yaitu Acrididae ditandai dengan tingginya INP.   Kata kunci: Herbivora, organik, pengendalian hayati, refugia   ABSTRACT Pests of plants causes  decreasing of rice production in Indonesia. That’s why it required an effort to control pests without harming the environment stability by using refugia. The objectives of this research were to know the abundance, diversity and family that dominate in the crops and in the refugia block in every stage of rice growth and to determine the effects of refugia block to the herbivore population in Kepanjen rice field. The method used to collect the information of herbivore visited both padi plots and refugia plots in this research was visual control. For those purposes, visual control were conducted on 5 plots in rice field and 1 plot in refugia plots. The distance of the observer to each plot was 2 meters and it were conducted for 15 minutes for each plot. Those observations were made in 3 period (08.00 to 10.00, 12.00 to 14.00, and 15.00 to 17.00) for every stage of rice growth and it were repeated 2 times. The measurement of abiotic factors include temperature, air relative humidity and light intensity. The analysis of herbivore community structure was obtained by counting the important value and Shannon–Wienner diversity index). Total abundance of herbivores was 521 individuals consist of 5 orders with 13 families. Families which had the highest abundance in the fields and refugia was Acrididae. Herbivore diversity in the fields and refugia was low to moderate. The highest of herbivore diversity in rice fields was at 12.00 to 14.00 pm while the highest diversity in refugia was at 8.00 to 10.00 pm. Families that dominate in the fields and refugia was Acrididae with high INP value.   Keywords : Biological control,  herbivore, organic, refugia
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